Send It To Me

Want to Help?
I would like to have you -- the people on the Internet who have a knowledge and appreciation for vintage cars -- help me restore my dad’s van.  You’ll be my surrogate dad, if you don’t mind?  As I’ve stated on the History page, my dad is no longer with me and I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed when it comes to automobiles.  However, I do have some working knowledge of trucks with gas engines, a nice garage with tools (some I don’t know what they’re for yet), and the ability to learn.

If you would like to help, please go to the Questions for You tab at the top of the page.  I’ll post questions (and pictures if I don’t know the name of something or how to describe it), and ask for your opinion or any suggestions.

I've also made a Send It To Me tab.  Use this if you have anything you want to send me that I can use for the van.  I live in a really small town and the Post Office employees all know me.  They'll call if I get a package at the box.

:o> Eva

If you have anything that I can possibly use in or on the van, please feel free to send it to:

Eva McDonald
PO Box 1391
Geneva, FL 32732